First, let's talk about how to set them up! Whether you bought the complete bundle, or an individual task box, setting up is all the same.
Print out the printable pdf document on card stock paper, then cut out the individual cards and place them in the laminator. Laminating the cards will help with durability and also allow students to use dry erase markers on the task cards. After laminating, cut out the individual cards. The cards have a letter in the top right corner to help you keep them in order and for students to check their answers on the check your answers card.
You're done the hardest part! Now to assemble the task boxes! I use 4x6 photo boxes that can be found at most hobby stores.
Each Task box includes a cover card, directions/rule card, and spine label (available as a bonus file in the bundle).
Step 1: Put the cover card and the rule card back to back so the blank sides are touching, make sure that they can be read correctly when opening and closing the box and tape them to the top inside the box.
Step 2: Tape the spine label to the closed long side of the box (As shown on the right.)
Step 3: Now place the rest of the cards in alphabetical order, with the rule card at the bottom of the task box. Add any additional tools to help the students complete the task box, such as clothes pins or dry erase markers.
Okay now that we have our task boxes all set up, let's talk about five ways we can use them with our students!
Number One
It's important to note that these are intended to be used after the concept has been directly and explicitly taught. Therefore, these task boxes make for a great review of previously learned concepts which makes them perfect for centers in your classroom!
Number Two
Practice, more practice, and consistent repetition is key for all students! Use these task cards for early finishers to help get in that practice and repetition!
Number Three
I love using these task cards to check for understanding whether it's in my 1:1 tutoring sessions or in a small reading group.
Number Four
All of the task cards that are eligible are available in a digital version! Assign them to your students for homework or use them in your online teaching/ tutoring sessions!
Number Five
These task cards range from phonological awareness to morphology so use them in your classroom for differentiation! It makes it so easy to differentiate depending on each individual students needs! Since they cover so many topics, they are also easy to take with you if you change grade levels!